Local JobsState/ Private Job


Application in plain paper accompanied by attested copies of Marksheets and Certificates of Education Qualification from HSLC onwards is invited for the post af Additional Programme Officer on contract basis for the Implementation of MGNREGA in Champhai District.

Name of PostNo. of PostRemunerationEligibility and requiste qualification
Additional Programme Officer1Rs 2,1000/- pm fixedPost graduate from any recognized University with basic knowledge of computer application

The candidate should not be less than 21 years old not more than 35 years old relaxable by 5 years for ST/ST candidate as on 31st January, 2017.
Application should be Submitted to the District Programme Officer Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and project Director, DRDA Champhai on or before 10th March,2017.
Incomplete applications shall not be entertained and application received after due date will be rejected.
Written test in English and General Knowledge including topics on Mahatma Gandhi NREGA will be conducted as follows :
1. General English – 100 marks
2. General Knowledge including topics on Mahatma Gandhi NREGA – 100 marks.

Sd/- C.C.Lalchhuankima
District Programme Officer (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA)
& Project Director,
District Rural Development Agency,
Champhai District, Champhai.

Source : Vanglaini

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