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Application are invited from Indian Citizen for the Post of Junior Management Grade in the Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank under :

1. Name of Post : Junior Management Grade
2. No.of post : 3(three)
3. Minimum Qualification :
i)Graduate at least 55% marks in any discipline from any recognized University of post Graduate from any recognized University.
ii)Working knowledge with Mizo upto Class VIII-std.
iii)Knowledge of Computer application.
4. Pay scale : PB-3 : Rs 15,600+39,100+GP6,100
5. Age limit : 18-30 years as on 01.04.2016 (Upper age limit is relaxable upto years in the case of ST/SC/OBC)
6. General Condition :
i)Selection of candidate shall be made through Written Examination and Personal Interview.
ii)All selected candidates shall be on probation for a period of 2(two) years which may be extended by another 1 (one)years or till satisfaction of the Bank.
7. Application Form :
i)Prescribed Application Form can be had from Head Office of the Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. and from all its Branches during Office Working hours on payment of Rs 250/-(non-refundable)
ii)Application in prescribed from complete in all respect must be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25.03.2017.

Incomplete application will be summarily be rejected without informing the applicant.
3)Date and Place of Written Examination will be intimated.

Sd/- Chief Excutive Officer
Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd.
Head Office,Aizawl

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