Local Jobs

Walk-in Interview

Walk-in interview is scheduled to be held on 08th March,2017 from 10:00 AM onwards for engagement of a Project Fellow (PF) under REDD+pilot project at ARCBR, Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram as under.

Sl NoName of ProjectDurationName of PostQualifications requiredEmoluments(fixed)
1REDD + Pilot project in Mizoram06 monthsProject Fellow(PF) (01)Essential : First class M.Sc in Forestry, Ecology, Botany, Agriculture, Horticulture, Environmental Science or allied sciences.
Desirable : Knowledge and experience in carbon stock estimation and Socioeconomic analysis
Rs 12,000/- pm + HRA at applicable rates

Detail with prescribed application form can be obtained from the office of ARCBR, Bethlehem Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram on Working days or downloaded from the website www.icfre.org under the option Recruitment.

Sd/- Director, ARCBR

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