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Walk-in-Interview Notice for Contractual Teacher 2017-18


An interview will be conducted on 28 March 2017 Venue at KV Lunglei, Ramthar Veng, Lunglei (Mizoram) to prepare a panel of Purely Part Time Contractual Teachers for the session 2017 -18 for the subject detailed below:
1. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT):
a. Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. The electives subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects as under:
(i) TGT (Sanskrit, English): Having respective subjects as a subject in all the three years of Degree Course.
(ii) TGT (Social Science): Having any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Science of which one must be either History or Geography.
(iii) TGT (Math’s): Degree in Math’s with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science and Statistics.
b. Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose and B.Ed. Remuneration: Rs.33750/- per month on pro-rata basis. (See details Eligibility Criteria from website www.kvlunglei.com
2. Primary Teachers (PRT): Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET-Primary) conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose and JBT/B.El.Ed/D.El.Ed./D.Ed. Remuneration: Rs.28750/-per month on pro-rata basis.
3. PRT (Music): Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent and Bachelor Degree in Music or equivalent from a recognized University.
Relaxation: Where suitable CTET or B.Ed or B.El.Ed or D.El.Ed or D.Ed. candidates are not available for TGTs and PRTs, such may be relaxed as per extant rules of KVS. (See relaxation letter no. F11029/39/2011/KVS(HQ)/Acad dated: 08/10/2013)
4. Computer Instructor: Qualification: (See relaxation letter no. F11029/39/2011/KVS(HQ)/Acad dated: 08/10/2013. Remuneration: Rs. 33750/- per month.
7. Sports Coach: Degree/B.P.Ed./M.P.Ed. in concerned field. Specialization if any. Remuneration: Same as PRT
8. Counselor: MA/M.Sc. in Psychology and one year Diploma in Guidance & Counselling. Remuneration – Same as TGT
9. Yoga Teacher/ Coach: – Bachelor’s Degree with one year training in Yoga from recognized university/ Institutions.
Remuneration – Same as PRT
10. Nurse: Diploma/Degree in Nursing; Remuneration – Rs. 750/- per day.
11. Desirable for All Posts: Knowledge of Computer Applications and proficiency to teach through English and Hindi.
12. Qualification should be as per the latest KVS Recruitment rules and relaxation in qualification criteria as per KVS(HQ) letter No-F.No.11029/39/2011/KVS(HQ)/Acad dated 08/10/13 will be applicable, if less number of eligible candidates turn up for a particular subject(visit website www.kvlunglei.com to see the eligibility criteria and rules).

  • Mere appearance in the interview by an eligible candidate does not guarantee selection.
  • Candidates are required to bring original certificates, one photograph (pp) & one set of self-attested photocopies of all academic documents & experience certificates on the day of interview.
  • Bio-data/ registration form may be downloaded from the Vidyalaya website. For qualification related details, please visit the Vidyalaya website. (www.kvlunglei.com).
  • The Selected candidates would be offered engagement against the post only when vacancy arises during academic session 2017-18.
  • Age 18 to 60 years (For Retired teachers up to 65 years as on 01/03/2017).
  • No TA/ DA will be paid for attending interview. Ensure your eligibility before appearing for Interview.
  • Registration and Verification will be done from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
  • For Registration please download Registration Form from www.kvlunglei.com and Mail the Scanned copy of the filled-up form to email id :- [email protected]. On or before 25/03/2017.
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