Teaching Job

Dept. of Geology – Walk-in-interview for the post Guest Faculty


Dr. K. SrinivasaRaoE-mail:[email protected]/[email protected]
I/C HeadMobile:9436352394

Date: 12-07-2017.


As per the approval of the Vice-Chancellor vide letter No. A.48014/1/16-Conf/260, Dated:12thJuly, 2017, a walk-in-interview will be held for the Guest Faculty temporary positions in the Department of Geology, School of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl-4 as per the following details :

Name of the Department                                                       :      Department of Geology
Number of Posts                                                                      :      Two
Date & Time of Walk-in-Interview                                      :       21st July, 2017 (Friday), 11:00 AM.
Venue of the Interview                                                           :       Head’s Chamber, Department of Geology, School                                                                                                                     of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources                                                                                                                                            Management, Mizoram.University, Aizawl – 796 004.
Eligibility                                                                                  :         Post Graduation in Geology with minimum of                                                                                                                         60% marks (relaxation to SC/ST as per UGC Rules);                                                                                                                       good academic record and preferably UGC-NET                                                                                                                               qualification.
Terms and Conditions                                                            :         The posts are purely temporary, i.e. one                                                                                                                                    Semester(i.e. August – December, 2017). The                                                                                                                                  University havingthe right to terminate the guest faculty                                                                                                               without any prior notice. The interested candidates may                                                                                                                 be submitted their CV to the Head, Department of                                                                                                                           Geology([email protected]) well in advance.

All the eligible and interested candidates may attend the Walk-in-Interview alongwith their biodata, all original, copies of certificates and mark-sheets supporting their candidature.

The selection procedure and remuneration for guest faculty will be guided by the Mizoram
University rules as governed by the UGC from time to time.

I/C Head

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