
Notice for Training of Untrained Teachers


Right to Education Act (RTE) 2009, Section 33(2) Amendment-in a phut angin elementary school zirtirtu la train lo zawng zawngte chu March, 2019 hmaa train vek tur a ni a.
Hemi hnulamah chuan zirtirtu train lote chu zirtirtu hna thawh phal a nih tawh dawn loh avangin zirtirtu la train lo zawng zawngte chu 15th September, 2017 hma ngeiin D. El. Ed (ODL) Course – -ah in register vek tur a ni e.
SCERT Website ah detail en theih ani.

Class XII-a 45% hmu pha lo chuan National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) hnuaiah improvement ti tura in register nghal bawk tur a ni.

NIOS Zirtirtu la training lo te tana D.El.Ed. training theihna hun hnuhnung

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