State/ Private Job

Higher & Technical Education Department invities applications for a vacant post

ADVERTISEMENT No. 3 of 2017-2018

Higher & Technical Education Department invities application in a prescribed form eligible candidates for filling up of post which is lying vacant under (Mizoram Hindi Training College), Higher & Technical Education.

Sl NoName of PostNo. of PostPayEducation and other qualification required for direct recruitmentAge Limit
1.Sweeper1IS 4400-7440+GP
Rs 1650/-
Essential : Class VIII passed.
Desirable : Working knowledge of Mizoand Hindi language atleast Middle School Standard.
Between 18-25 years.
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5(five) years for SC/ST.

Eligible Candidates willing to apply should submit their applications to the undersigned on or before 31.10.2017.
Application form shall be obtained from Establishment-I of Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Mc Donald Hill, Zarkawt during office hours.

Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.


Higher & Technical Education
Aizawl : Mizoram

IPR – 273

Source : The Zozam Times

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