Teaching Job

Dept. of Biotechnology – Walk-in-Interview for the post of JRF on 18th January, 2018


No. MZU/BT/DBT – BIF/ 2018/01                                                                                                       05 Jan 2018

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Walk In Interview on 18 Jan 2018 from 10:30 AM onwards

The DBT-BIF Centre is the state of the art facility in Mizoram funded by Department of
Biotechnology, New Delhi. The Objective of DBT, New Delhi to set-up the DBT-BIF Centre is to
strengthen the capacity of Mizoram to undertake research in any branch of Bioinformatics; to
attract students to build their career in different fields of in Biology/ Biotechnology; to organize training
courses for school / college / institute students and teachers and to collaborate with other BIF centres/
other institutes.

Walk-in Interview will be held for the JRF post under the DBT-sponsored project Bioinformatics
Infrastructure Facility (BIF-BTBI)

Junior Research Fellow Two (02) posts
Eligibility: Candidates having M.Sc. degree in any branch of Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/
Bioinformatics. The candidate should have strong interest in Bioinformatics research and involve
fully in maintenance of BIF lab and organizing training programs/ seminars. The candidate should
be willing to work extra hours and show strong involvement and commitment towards
research and extension activities of the BIF centre.
(Emolument: Rs.12,000/- pm plus HRA for Non-NET candidates and Rs.25,000/- pm plus HRA
for NET/GATE/ BINC candidates. The fellowship will be as per DBT entitlement).

General Terms and Conditions
* The term of ap po in tmen t will be for 0 6 mo n th s o n ly, which may be extended further
depending on extension of the cen tre by DBT or other DBT conditions prevailing at that time
and the performance of the candidate. Fellowship amount and age relaxations will be as per norms
of DBT, New Delhi. The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The
appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as
formal service.
* The walk in interview will be on 18 Jan 2018. Applications, neatly typed on plain paper along
with attested photocopies of mark sheets and certificates should be submitted on the date of the walk
in interview. All the Original certificates should be produced for verification.
* No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the walk-in interview. Candidates who are unable to
attend the personal interview can also opt for skype or telephonic interview, with prior

Coordinator (DBT-State Biotech Hub)
Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology
Mizoram University, Aizawl

Last date :


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