Local Jobs

Professional Wanted

ZMFP/ ADV/2018/1

Zoram Mega Food Park a Company funded under the Integrated Mega food Park Scheme of the Ministry of Food Processing (MoFPI) seeks professionals for the post of :

Production Manager
Applicant should have a degree in horticulture, agriculture, food science, engineering or allied subject with a specialization in post – harvest management and/or food processing .
Applicants with 2 or more years of industrial experience will be given preference.

Selected candidates will be posted at the company’s Central Processing Centre (CPC), Khamrang (45km from Aizawl).
Interested candidates can send their resume and supporting documents in PDF or MS Word doc/ docx format to [email protected] with the subject line ” APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PRODUCTION MANAGER” or submit their resumes in hard copy to the Zoram Mega Food Park City Office 3rd Floor Zairema Building, MacDonald Hill Zarkawt addressed to the Senior Manager (Administration), Zoram Mega Food Park Private Limited.

Applications should reach the company on or before January 29, 2018 (29-01-2018) Monday.

Source : Vanglaini

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