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Sports Writer Mamawh

* No. of Post : 2
* Salary per Month : Rs. 7000 (atanga tan tur) + Free Internet

* Skills :
1. Computer leh internet hmang thiam.
2. Photoshop basic.
3. Darkar khat chhunga news pahnih type hman.
4. English leh Mizotawng thiam tak. (English pawha ziak mai thei tur)

* Qualifications : Zir sang emaw zir sang lem lo pawh, thiam leh taima.
* Age : Kum 20-35
* Nature of Works : In lam atanga thawh tur a ni dawn a, computer hmaa thut tam a ngai.

* [email protected] ah article (Mizotawng) word 850 aia tlem lo thehluh pahin Bio-Data leh thlalak thawn tel tur. Interview turin mi 10 koh an ni ang.
Dilna thehluh hun hnuhnung ber February ni 2, 2018 zan dar 10:00.

* Contacts
Email – [email protected]
Ph : 9612163464 , 7085843517


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