Teaching Job

Department of Biotechnology – Walk-in-interview for the post of 1 (one) Guest Faculty

No.B-25/ACAD-07/GUEST LECT/BT                                                                                          12th March, 2017.

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A walk-in-interview for the post of 1 (one) Guest Faculty will be held in the Department of Biotechnology, Mizoram University on 19th March 2018 at 11:00am. Minimum qualification will be as per UGC norms for appointment of Assistant Professor in the University.
The intending candidates are required to bring degree certificates for verification and photocopies of each document for on spot submission.
The appointment will be purely temporary in nature from 26th March to June 15, 2018 or till regular faculty are appointed against these posts; or till the university authorities decide otherwise – whichever is earlier. Such appointees will have no claim whichever-neither for continuation nor for regular appointment. The University authorities reserve the right to fill up the Guest Faculty position or otherwise without assigning any reason thereof.


Dr. J. Bhattacharya

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