Teaching Job

Department of Chemistry – Applications invited for ONE position of Junior Research Fellow


(A Central University under the Act of Parliament)
Department of Chemistry
(A DST-FIST Supported Department)
School of Physical Sciences

Dr. Diwakar Tiwari
Professor & Head

Dated: 13.03.2018

File No.: DT/Project/BRNS/2018-09


Applications from interested candidates are invited for ONE position of Junior Research Fellow, in a DAE-BRNS, Govt. of India sponsored Research Project entitled, “Spatial distribution of uranium and associated water quality parameters in groundwater, surface water in the state of Mizoram” at Department of Chemistry, Mizoram university, Aizawl-796004. The position is fully temporary and is coterminous with the project for Two Years having the
emoluments of Rs. 25,000/pm.

Eligibility :
The applicant should have qualification M.Sc. in Chemistry/Environmental Science/M.Tech. (Environmental Engineering). Applicants having NET/GATE qualification will be given preference in selection.

Applicants are suggested to send their complete Bio-data to the undersigned (preferably by
E.mail: [email protected]) latest by 20.04.2018.

(Diwakar Tiwari)
(Principal Investigator)

Last date :


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