Teaching Job

Department of Zoology – Walk – In Interview for two posts of JRF (Junior Reseach Fellow)


No. MZU/DBT-NER/AGRI/ Zoo/18/02                                                                                             12.04.2018
Walk – In Interview on 23th April 2018 at 15:00 pm in the Dept. of Zoology

Application on plain paper supported by relevant testimonials are invited from intending candidates for appointment to the following posts in the Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi sanctioned DBT-NERproject (File No. DBT-NER/AGRI/33/2016/GP2 dt. 22/03/2018) on ‘DBT’s NER-Banana Program for the NE entitled “Exploring diversity,
genomic and transcriptome profiling and phytosemiochemicals of banana pest complex in NER region- An ecological and molecular approach” to the Department of Zoology, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram.

JRF (Junior Reseach Fellow) – Two (02) posts

Eligibility : M.Sc. degree in Zoology with NET qualification. Research experience in field work and molecular techniques are essential.

[JRF emoluments shall be Rs.25,000/- + 10 % HRA for the 1st & 2nd yr

SRF @ 28,000/- + 10 % HRA for 3rd yr]

General Terms and Conditions

  • The term of service is for three years. The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with
    the project.
  • All the Original certificates should be produced for verification.
  • No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the walk-in interview.

Prof. G.Gurusubramanian
Principal Investigator, Dept. of Zoology
Mizoram University, Aizawl- 796004, Mizoram

Last date :


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