Teaching Job

Department of Zoology – Walk in interview for the posts of JRF and JPF

(A Central University by an act of Parliament)
AIZAWL – 796004

Letter no : MZU/ZOO/GBPNI/01/2018                                                                              Dated 14th June, 2018

Applications on plain paper with complete details on personal, educational qualification, research/ training experience in the relevant field along with
self-attested mark sheet and certificate are invited for following research
positions in G.B Pant National Institute Institute of Himalayan Environment and sustainable Development, Almora funded project titled “Monitoring and Evaluation of species composition and richness in epidemic plants, birds, mammals and reptiles along successional gradient after shifting cultivation and creating education and awareness for their conservation in Dampa tiger Reserve landscape, Mizoram.
This project is under “National Mission on Himalayan Studies”.
Sanction letter No. GBPNI/NMHS-2017/MG-22. Application should address to PI.

Name of the positions and essential qualifications

Name of PositionEssential QualificationsSalary
Junior Research Fellow (02 Nos)Good Academic record with 60% marks in M.Sc Degree in Zoology/
Biotechnology/ Wildlife Biology/ Forestry having experience on
wildlife studies/ Life Science

Preference will be given to NET qualified person
@ Rs 25,000/- + 8% HRA per month for I and II year,
and 28,000/- + 8% HRA per month for III year.
(This salary structure is applicable for NET qualifies candidate.
MOEF&CC guidelines will be followed for selection)
Junior Project Fellow (01 No)Good Academic record with 60% marks in M.Sc Degree in Zoology/
Biotechnology/ Wildlife Biology/ Forestry having experience on
wildlife studies/ Life Science
@ Rs 16,000/- + 8% HRA per month or 1800/- per month for I and II year,
and 18,000/- + 8% HRA or 1800/- per month for III year.

Positions are purely temporary and will be co-terminus on completion of
the project or on the recommendation of Principal Investigator if work done by the candidate is found unsatisfactory.
Nature of work is primary field based. Working site will be in Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram.
Desirous candidate having strong aptitude for work in difficult field conditions need only apply attend walk-in interview on 3rd July, 2018 at 11:00 am in Department of Zoology.

Prof GS Solanki
Principal Investigator of the Project

Last date :
3rd July, 2018


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