
Mizoram University Advertisement for the post of Registrar


No. 1-1/Estt.I/07/227                                                                                          Dated Aizawl, the 1st June, 2018

Applications are invited for filling up of Registrar under the University as tabled vide


1. The prescribed format of application appearing at Annexure-II and other required materials
may be downloaded from Mizoram University (MZU) website, in A-4 size
paper. The same may also be obtained from Establishment (Teaching), Mizoram University by
paying Rs. 20.00.

2. The prescribed application fee is Rs 500.00 (Rs 250.00 for SC/ST applicant on submission of
supporting Certificate) payable in the form of Bank Draft.
(a) The Bank Draft shall be drawn in favour of Registrar, Mizoram University on State Bank of
India, Aizawl Main Branch;
The prescribed fee may also be paid directly to the Finance Department, Mizoram University,
Aizawl, during office hours.
(b) Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) are fully exempted from payment of the prescribed fees upon
submission of relevant Disability Certificate issued by the competent authority.
(c) Women applicants are fully exempted from payment of the prescribed fees.

3. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the
minimum essential qualification, furnished with clarity, as laid down in the advertisement.

4. Application received after the last date of submission, incomplete in any respect and any fresh
paper/enclosures after the closing date shall not be considered. The University shall not be
responsible for postal delays. Canvassing directly or indirectly at any stages of the recruitment
processes will lead to disqualification.

5. The crucial date for reckoning possession of educational and other qualifications, possession of
required experience, etc. is the last date of submission of application.

6. Applications should be supported by relevant documents (self certified) in all respects. Claims
of educational qualifications should be supported by Certificates as well as Marksheets.
Applications not supported by documents shall be summarily rejected.

7. Candidate already in service should submit their application through Proper Channel. While an
advance copy may be sent directly, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) or duly forwarded
application should be produced at the time of interview. Such candidates are also required to
produce ‘Integrity Certificate’ and ‘Vigilance Clearance Certificate’ at the time of interview, if not
submitted earlier.

8. Any change in the correspondence address, mobile/telephone no. and email address shall be
communicated to the University, in writing.

9. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate, at any time,
at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case of fake documents, clandestine
antecedents or suppression of information, services in the University shall be terminated.

10. The University reserves the right not to fill the post.

11. Applicants awarded degrees by foreign Universities are required to submit Equivalence
Certificate issued by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. The University reserves the
right to require Equivalence Certificate for various degrees from any of the applicant.

12. Government of India is striving for gender balance in Government jobs. Women candidates
fulfilling the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.

13. Relaxations and concessions shall apply as per GoI/UGC norms.

14. The completeness of the submitted application is the sole responsibility of the applicant. The
University shall not be responsible for any delay/loss due to postal or technical reasons.

15. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the advertisement and in the process of selection, which
may be detected at any stage, even after issue of appointment, the University reserves the right to
modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.

16. Last date of receipt of complete application is 31st July, 2018. The application along with
Bank Draft/MZU Receipt may be submitted to the Joint Registrar, Establishment, Mizoram
University, Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 004. Applications shall be submitted by superscribing the
post applied for along with the Post Code on the envelope.


Last date :


Official website


1. Name of Post : Registrar

No. of Post : 1 UR

Post Code : REG

Pay Scale :
PB-4, Rs 37,400 – 67,000 with GP Rs 10,000 (Pre-revised)
Level 14, Rationalized Entry Pay of Rs 1,44,200 (Revised)

Age limit : Preferably below 57 years

Retirement age : 62 years

The appointment shall be for a tenure of 5 years.

Essential Qualifications:
(i) Master’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade B in the UGC sevenpoint scale along with a good academic record.
(ii) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs 7,000 (Academic
Level 11 as per 7th CPC Academic Pay Matrix) and above or with 8 years of service in AGP of Rs
8,000 (Academic Level 12 as per 7th CPC Academic Pay Matrix) and above including as
Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration;
Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education;
15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.

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