Teaching Job

Walk-in-interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Mathematics, Chemistry, English, Physics for B.Tech Programmes

MZU/ECE/GL/12                                                                                                                             Date: 18/07/2018


A walk-in-interview will be held for the post of Guest Faculty in Mathematics, Chemistry, English, Physics for B.Tech Programmes of ECE, EE, CE, IT, CV departments under School of Engineering and Technology as par the approval of competent authority (No. A.48014/1/18-Conf/23 dated 09/07/2018), Mizoram University on 31st July, 2018 at 11.00 AM at the Dean’s Office, School of Engineering and Technology, Mizoram University.

  1. Mathematics : 02 Posts
    2.Chemistry : 01 Post
    3.English : 01 Post
    4.Physics : 01 Post

Educational Qualification:
I.The applicant should possess M.Sc / M.A with NET/SLET or Ph.D in the respective subjects (Mathematics/Chemistry/English/Physics).

Tenure and Remuneration:
II.The period of engagement shall be for a period of 01 semester (August-December 2018) or regular faculty is appointed whichever is earlier.
III.The remuneration is Rs. 1000/- per lecture subject to maximum of Rs. 25000/- per month (as per UGC/MZU norms)

The interested candidate possessing the required qualification may send their CV to [email protected]; Head ECE before the date of interview. The candidates have to report to the Dean’s Office, School of Engineering and Technology on 31st July, 2018 at 10.30 AM for interview. They should bring their CV (with contact no), original documents along with one (01) photocopy of each document at the time of interview.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Mizoram University

Last date :
31st July, 2018


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