Teaching Job

Walk in Interview for the post of one JRF (Junior Research Fellow) under Department of Forestry

No. MZU/FOR/DBT-Twinning/SK/2018-19/01                                                                                             21.08.2018

Walk in Interview for JRF (Junior Research Fellow)

Interested candidates may attend the Walk in Interview to be held on 05.09.2018 at 10.30am in the Department of Forestry, Mizoram University, Aizawl- 796 004 for one post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a period of 3 years under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India sponsored research project under “DBT’s Twinning Programme for the NER” entitled “Characterization and selection of superior genotypes of Emblica officinalis for establishment of seed orchard”.

Research Position and FellowshipsQualification and Experience
JRF/SRF (1 No.)
Fellowship @ Rs 25,000/- +10% HRA for the 1st and 2nd
Year and Rs 28,000/- +10% HRA for the 3rd Year (SRF) (For
NET /GATE qualified candidate)
Fellowship @ Rs 12,000/- +10% HRA for the 1st and 2nd
Year and Rs 14,000/- +10% HRA for the 3rd Year (SRF) (For
Non-NET /GATE candidate)
1st Class Post Graduate in Forestry
Research experience in forestry
field work is desirable

An advanced copy of the signed application with bio-data, contact details and supporting documents either soft copies or hard copies must reach to Dr. Suresh Kumar, Principal Investigator, (Email: [email protected]) on or before 04.09.2018

General Terms and Conditions
• The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project.
• All the original certificates should be produced for verification.
• No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the walk-in interview.

(Dr. Suresh Kumar)
Principal Investigator
Department of Forestry,
Mizoram University, Aizawl- 796 004
Email: [email protected]
Phone : +91 7005630702

Last date :
4th September 2018


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