Teaching Job

Dept. of Biotechnology – Application for the post of JRF

File no: MZU/BPS/DBT-Twin/2018-21/Adv/1                                                                       Date: 04-10-2018



Application on plain paper along with all supporting documents are invited from candidates having minimum 55% marks in M. Sc Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/Chemistry and below the age of 35 years for appointment of one Junior Research Fellows in a DBT funded project entitled “Determination and structural elucidation of bioactive compounds from the selected traditional medicinal plants of Mizoram with a focus on anticancer compounds ” for three years (Till September 2021). JRF emoluments shall be Rs 25000 + 10%HRA for the first two years and Rs 28000 + 10% HRA for 3rd year for SRF and applicable, only if JRF/SRF is NET/GATE/BET/BINC qualified, otherwise it shall be Rs 12000 + 10% HRA for 1st two years and Rs 14000 + 10% HRA for JRF and 3rd year for SRF. The appointment in co-terminus with the project or till satisfactory progress of the candidate. Candidates can also send the application by E-Mail- [email protected]/[email protected].

Interested candidates may attend the interview along with all original certificates at Department of Biotechnology, Aizawl, Mizoram University on 15th October 2018 at 11: 30 A.M.
No TA/DA will be paid by the Mizoram University/DBT to attend the interview.

Dr. Bhim Pratap Singh (PI)
Principal Investigator-DBT Project
Dr. Kalidas Upadhyaya(Co-PI)

Last date :
15th October 2018


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