Collector mamawh

Dawr a, Pawisa khawntu tur hmanhmawh tak a duh a ni e.

  1. Chamary West
  2. Hunthar
  3. Vaivakawn
  4. Zonuam
  5. Luangmual
  6. Chawlhhmun.
  7. Bethlehem.
  8. Arm Veng.
  9. Chhinga Veng.

Tun a ka rawn sawi ho Veng awm tan choh a dil theih.
Kum 18-22 inkar ni thei se, MIPA tan choh.
Ruihtheihthil ti tan dil buai a ngai lo ang.

(Salary Rs 9000) fixed, hrechiang duh chuan Contact : 9612557605) ah hian biak theih a ni e.
Two wheeler nei tan choh dil theih a ni e.

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