Teaching Job

Department of Biotechnology – Walk-in-interview for the post of JRF/SRF

DBT/BANA-CONSORT-PRJ/TRS/2018/Advt2-Manpower               28th Feb., 2019


A walk-in-interview will be held on 18/04/2019 (Thursday) at 10:30 a.m. in the Department of Biotechnology, Mizoram University for the following post under the DBT, Govt. of India sponsored project entitled “Collection, evaluation, documentation and conservation of banana genetic resources from north eastern region”

  1. JRF/SRF : 01 (one) post (Emolument @ Rs. 25,000/- pm + 10% HRA for the
    1st & 2nd year and SRF @ Rs. 28,000/- + 10% HRA for 3rd year for the NET
    qualified candidates; without NET qualification @ Rs. 12,000/- + 10% HRA for the 1st 2 years and Rs 14,000/- + 10% HRA for the third year). Eligibility: Post graduate degree in Biological/Life/ Agricultural/Horticultural Sciences.
    Preference will be given to candidates having evidence of experience in the
    relevant area and NET qualification.

General Terms and Conditions :

  • Applicants must report at the interview venue by 10:15 am at the date of the interview and bring along the relevant documents in originals and one set of self-attested photocopies of the same for verification.
  • Applicants should bring along a neatly typed application on a plain paper, stating the name, address, date of birth, educational qualifications and experiences, etc. as CV at the time of the walk-in-interview.
  • The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the tenure of the
    project. The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as formal service.
  • No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the walk-in-interview.
  • Additional information can be enquired through e-mail from
    [email protected]

Last date :
18th April 2019


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