Teaching Job


St. Joseph Higher Secondary School is seeking Applicants for the following applicants for the following posts.

1. Two M.A. English, one each of M.A Economics, Public Administration and MSC Geography for Higher Secondary for Higher Section.
Basic Pay : 16000 + 1000 PF = 17000/-.

2. Three M.SC Physics/ Chemistry or B.Sc Physics/ Chemistry Honours for High School Section.
Basic Pay : 16000 + 1000 PF = 17000/-.

3. Three female Graduate or above for Hostel Warden.
Basic Pay : 12000 + 1000 PF = 13000/-.

Date of interview : 15th May 2019, 10:00AM at the School Office, Ramhlun North.

Contact : 7005845852
Sd/- Principal

Source : Vanglaini

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