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AFCAT Examination
Vacancies*: Flying: SSC -74, Ground Duty (Technical){Aeronautical Engineer Electronics and Aeronautical Engineer Mechanical}: AE(L) : PC-40, SSC-26 , 10% seats out of CDSE vacancies for PC and 10% seats out of AFCAT vacancies for SSC , Ground Duty (Non-Technical): Meteorology:PC-10SSC-12
Educational Qualifications.(i)Flying Branch.Candidates should have mandatorily passed with a minimumof 50% marks each in Maths andPhysics at 10+2 level and(a) Graduationwith minimum three years degree course in any discipline froma recognized University with a minimum of60% marks or equivalent. OR(b) BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from arecognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.OR(c) Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from arecognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
ii)Ground Duty (Technical) Branch.(aa)AeronauticalEngineer(Electronics){AE(L)}.Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/ Technology from recognizedUniversity OR cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institutionof Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-(aaa)Communication Engineering.(aab) Computer Engineering/Technology.(aac)Computer Engineering & Application.(aad) Computer Science and Engineering/Technology.(aae) Electrical and Computer Engineering.(aaf) Electrical and Electronics Engineering.(aag) Electrical Engineering.(aah) Electronics Engineering/Technology.
aaj) Electronics Science and Engineering.(aak) Electronics.(aal) Electronics and Communication Engineering.(aam)Electronics and Computer Science.(aan) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering.(aao)Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave).(aap) Electronics and Computer Engineering.(aaq)Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering.(aar) Electronics Instrument & Control.(aas) Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering.(aat) Instrumentation & Control Engineering.(aau) Instrument & Control Engineering.(aav) Information Technology.(aaw) Spacecraft Technology.(aax) Engineering Physics.(aay) Electric Power and Machinery Engineering.(aaz) Infotech Engineering.(aba) Cyber Security.(ab)Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)}.Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level anda minimumof four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/Technology from recognisedUniversity OR cleared Sections A &B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) orAeronautical Society of India by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-(aaa) Aerospace Engineering.(aab) Aeronautical Engineering.(aac) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.(aad) Mechanical Engineering.(aae) Mechanical Engineering and Automation.(aaf) Mechanical Engineering (Production).(aag) Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance).(aah) Mechatronics.(aaj)Industrial Engineering.(aak)Manufacturing Engineering.(aal)Production and Industrial Engineering.(aam)Materials Science and Engineering.(aan)Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.(aao)Aerospace and Applied Mechanics.(aap)Automotive Engineering.(aaq)Robotics(aar)Nanotechnology(aas)Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering.(iii)GroundDuty (Non-Technical)Branches.(aa)Administration.Passed 10+2 and Graduate Degree (Minimum three years degree course) in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
(ab)Education. Passed 10+2 and Post-Graduation with 50% in any discipline including integrated courses offering PG (Single degree without permission to exit and lateral entry) andwith 60% marks in Graduation in any discipline.(iv)Meteorology. Post Graduate Degree in any Science stream/ Mathematics/ Statistics/Geography/Computer Applications/Environmental Science/ Applied Physics/ Oceanography/Meteorology/Agricultural Meteorology/Ecology & Environment/Geo-physics/Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate ofall papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level with a minimum of 55% marks in each). (v)Note.(aa)Two seats are reserved for Lawqualified candidates in Ground duty (Non-Tech) branches and thesecandidates maybe employed on legal duties of the IAF(after commissioning).(ab)In case the candidates are awarded grades/ CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/ CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the University from where they have obtained the degree. In case the University does not have any scheme for converting CGPA to percentage conversion certificate, CGPA will be converted into 10 points scale and multiplied by 10 to get equivalent percentage. (ac)Candidates who are studying in the final year/semester Degree course and areyet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided candidateshould not have any present backlog and should have secured a minimumof 60% marks up tothe last semester/year for which resultshave been declared up tothe time of submission of application.Theyare required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination by15 Jun21and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever.(ad)Candidates who have failed the ComputerisedPilot Selection System (CPSS) in an earlier attempt or a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible to apply in Flying Branch.(d)Candidates who were admitted to an earlier course at the National Defence Academy, Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Officers’ Training Academy, Chennaiand Officer’s Training Academy Gayabut were removed on grounds of indiscipline are ineligible to apply.(e)Candidates who are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holding any type of commission in the Defence Services shall not be eligible forAFCAT and if admitted, their candidature will be cancelled.(f)Candidates who have been convictedon criminal charges and those who are still stuck in a criminal case are not eligible to apply.
Age Limit:17 – 45 Yeras
Application Fees:After filling in the online application form, the examination fee of Rs. 250/-(non-refundable) for AFCAT entry (not applicable for NCC special entry& Meteorologymay be paid online through the ‘Make Payment’step on the main menu of the online application. No cash or cheque or demand draft (DD) will be accepted towards payment of examination fee. The examination fee can be paid using credit/debit cards/ net banking through the payment gateway. Applicants are advised

Last date : 14th July 2020


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