Medical / Health

Advertisement of vacancies under RIPANS

Applications are invited on prescribed form by the Director, RIPANS, Aizawl, Mizoram from Indian Citizen for the following posts mentioned below :

Sl NoName of PostsNo of PostsCategory
1Professor (Nursing)01UR
2Professor (Medical Laboratory Technology)01UR
3Professor (Pharmacy)01UR
4Professor (Radio Imaging Technology)01UR
5Professor (Optometry)01OBC
6Associate Professor (Nursing)01UR
7Associate Professor (Medical Laboratory Technology)02(1 UR & 1 SC)
8Associate Professor (Pharmacy)02(1 UR & 1 OBC)
9Associate Professor (Radio Imaging Technology)02(1 UR & 1 OBC)
10Associate Professor (Optometry)02UR
11Assistant Professor (Medical Laboratory Technology)02(1 UR & 1 OBC)
12Assistant Professor (Pharmacy)02(1 UR & 1 SC)
13Assistant Professor (Optometry)01ST

For further details and to download the prescribed application form and the required materials, kindly visit the Institute’s website

Sd/- Director, RIPANS

Source : Vanglaini

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