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Dept. of Forestry – Advertisement for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in SERB – DST Project

Qualification in Details:
Applications are invited from highly motivated and eligible candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a SERB funded Research Project entitled “Reproductive biologv of selected underutilized tree species of Mizoram, NE- India”
Objectives of the Project : The objective of the project is to acquire detail knowledge on reproductive biology of selected underutilized trees following forest based field and lab works for their sustainable utilization & conservation.
Eligibility- Essential Qualification: M.Sc. degree in Forestry/Botany with CSIR/UGC-NET/any other national level examinations conducted by DST, DBT, [CAR, ICMR or valid GATE score.
Desirable: Working experiences in forestry field work are encouraged to apply.
Stipend: The amount of JRF fellowship will be as per SERB norms.
Duration: Initial appointment will be for one year, which is extendable up to the duration of the project, solely based on performance.
Age Limit:
The upper age limit for JRF is 28 years at the time appointment, relaxation in the upper age limit relaxation admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/Women candidate as per rules.

Last date : 29th October 2020 


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