NorthEast Consultancy Services (NECS) hnuaiah Junior Architect hna a ruak a, B.Arch chin tan dil theih a ni e.
Dilna hi 28th October 2020 atangin Email/ SMS/ Whatsapp hmangin – Hming, Veng, Qualification, Experience, kum zat leh contact number ziakin 6th November 2020 thleng theh luh theih a ni ang.

Interview turte chu document kimchang nen koh an ni ang a,
hlawh chu inbiakremna ang a ni ang.

Email : [email protected]
SMS/ whatsapp : 9612066716

Chief Managing Director 
NorthEast Consultancy Services 
Aizawl, Mizoram

Source : Vanglaini

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