Teaching Job

Applications for the post of Guest Faculty to teach Mathematics for B.Tech Programme

Walk in Interview ( Online)

Subject :  One (01) post of Guest Faculty in the School of Engineering and Technology (Mathematics) for B.Tech programme

The applications are invited for the post of Guest Faculty in the school of
Engineering and Technology to teach the following Mathematics in 1st /2nd year of B.Tech (ECE, IT, CE, CV, EE)
The requirement of educational qualification is as follows
Candidate with Master degree in Mathematics or equivalent with NET/PhD (UGC norms of direct recruitment)  

The Remuneration is as per MZU i.e. @ Rs 1000/- per lecture subject to maximum of Rs 25,000/- per month.
The interested candidate may submit application through email [email protected] (application, supporting documents, mobile no, email etc.) by 18th Nov 6pm.
The selected candidate have to immediately start online class as per assigned, the online classes shall continue till further notification.
The candidate have to appear online walk m interview with supporting documents, Bio-data) as per following schedule.

Date: 19/11/2020 (Thursday)
Time: 2:00 pm
Google meet meeting link shall be given to email and mobile to those eligible candidates.
(Notification issued with reference to F.No.A.48014/2/20-Conf/315-317 dated 9th November, 2020)

Last date : 19th November 2020 


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