Teaching Job

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Application on plain paper supported by relevant testimonials is invited from interested candidates for appointment to the above mentioned position under the research project entitled “Characterization and value added products of Garcinia genetic resources for rural livelihood improvement in Mizoram” sanctioned by G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development (An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate, Govt. of India) (File No. GBPI/IERP/18-19/06 dt. 29/03/2019) to the Department of Forestry, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram-796004. 

Eligibility : M.Sc. degree in Forestry.
Research experience in forestry field work is desirable.

General Terms and Conditions 
• The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. 
• All the original certificates should be produced for verification during interview. 
• No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. Interview may be conducted through online mode due prevailing COVID- I 9 pandemic situation.
• Applicants are suggested to send their complete Bio-data to the undersigned (preferably by Email: [email protected]) latest by 11.12.2020.

Last date : 11th December 2020 


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