Teaching Job

Advertisement for the post of Principal in Pachhunga University College


Mizoram University is a Central University accredited Grade ‘A’ by NAAC in 2019 and Rank
67 in the University category in the NIRF 2020. Pachhunga University College is the
Constituent College of Mizoram University accredited Grade A+ by NAAC in 2016 and
selected as College with Potential for Excellence. Mizoram is one of the most peaceful states
in the country. The climate is mild both in summer and winter.

SNName of PostInstitutionNo. of Post
1PrincipalPachhunga University College1 UR
UR = Unreserved

Pay of Principal: Academic Level 14 with entry pay of Rs 1,44,200/- under the 7th CPC, with
special allowance. 

Tenure: Principal, Pachhunga University College shall be appointed for a period of five years,
extendable for another term of five years on the basis of performance assessment. 

(i) Ph.D. degree
(ii) Professor/Associate Professor with a total service/experience of at least fifteen years
of teaching/research in Universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher
(iii) A minimum of 10 research publications in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals.
(iv) A minimum of 110 Research Score as per Appendix II, Table 2.

The prescribed application fee is Rs 1,000.00 (Rs 500.00 for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled
Tribe/ Economically Weaker Sections). Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and Women
applicants are fully exempted from payment of the prescribed fees. 

Any communication by the applicant in the matter of this advertisement should be sent by
email only to [email protected].

Applicants are required to send printout of the online application along with all supporting
documents which shall be self attested/self certified. Applications not supported by
documents shall be summarily rejected. The envelope containing the application shall be
superscribed “Application for Principal”. Applicants are advised to send their
applications well in advance by Speed Post/Courier. The University shall not be
responsible for any delay/loss due to postal or technical reasons.

Last date for submission of online application is 8th January, 2021; 17:00 hrs. 


Apply online 

PUC website

MZU website

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