State/ Private Job

SAVE, HELP & DEVELOP (SHADE) invites applications for various posts


No:SHADE/2020/ADV/01 : SAVE, HELP & DEVELOP (SHADE) invites applications along with 1 (one) affixed
passport size photo in plain paper with full Bio-Data accompanied by attested copies of Marksheets &
Certificates from HSLC onwards for filling up of the following under mentioned posts on contractual basis.
Interested persons may submit application online in pdf format to the undersigned through email [email protected] latest by 12th December, 2020 :

Sl. NoName of postNo of postPlace of
RemunerationEssential Qualification
Person (DRP)
1Lawngtlai21000 + 2000*Masters in Social Sciences with at least 3 years
experience in working with programmes
related to livelihood promotion, adult literacy,
microfinance, health sector programmes not merely awareness activities.
*Should be based in the district for which
*Should be willing to travel in the district
*Should have knowledge of MS-Word, Excel
2M&E Officer
cum Accounts
1Lawngtlai11000*Bachelor in Commerce/ Computer Application
with at least 1 year experience in managing
data, data entry, creating analysis sheets from
excel, preparing power point presentations.
*Experience of managing accounts for any NGO
would be preferred.
2Lawngtlai8100+2000*Bachelors in Social Sciences with at least 2
years experience in working with programmes
related to livelihood promotion, adult literacy,
microfinance, health sector programmes not merely awareness activities.
*Should be based in the district for which
*Should be willing to travel in the district
extensively. Should have a vehicle for travel.
*Should have knowledge of MS-Word, Excel.

Project Director, SHADE
Mob/whatsapp – 9612164255
Email – [email protected]

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