Teaching Job

Higher Secondary School Lecturer leh Secondary School Teacher (Contract basis) lak a ni dawn


SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, MIZORAM hnuaiah Higher Secondary School Lecturer leh Secondary School Teacher (Contract basis) lak a ni dawn a,
hrechiang duh te tan office hun chhungin State Project Office, Samagra Shikha, Mizoram, Mc Donald Hill, Zarkawt ah leh District Project Office ah te ngaihven tur a ni.
Dilna hi dt. 04.03.2021 thleng State Project Office, Samagra Shiksha, Mizoram, Mc Donald Hill, Zarkawt ah office hun chhungin thehluh theih a ni.

Interview hi State Project Office, Samagra Shiksha, Mizoram, Mc Donald Hill, Zarkawt ah neih a ni ang.
a) For Secondary School Teacher : 16th March, 2021 at 10:00 am
b) For Higher Secondary School Teacher (Arts Stream) : 17th March 2021 at 10:00 am
c) For Higher Secondary School Teacher (Commerce Stream) : 18th March 2021 at 10:00 am.

Higher Secondary School Lecturer (Art Stream),
Place of post : Kawrtethawveng High School, Govt. Khuangleng & Govt. Phuldungsei
(fixed pay @ Rs 30,000/-) 

Sl NoName of postNo of postAge limit for direct recruitmentMinimum qualification & other qualification
1Mizo Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard
2English Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard
3Political Science Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard
4History Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard
5Education Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard
6Sociology Lecturer3Between 18 years and 35 years, upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Schedule caste/ Schedule Tribe1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from a recognized University in the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or its equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc Ed course or equivalent course recognized by NCTE.

2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School Standard

Higher Secondary School Lecturer (Commerce Stream), Place of Post- Govt. Zemabawk HSS, Govt. Saitual HSS,
Hnahthial HSS & Govt. Mamit HSS (fixed pay @ Rs. 30,000/-) 

Sl NoName of PostNo. of
Age limit for direct
Minimum qualification & other qualification
1Business Studies Lecturer4Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Caste/Schedule Tribe
1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from recognized University in
the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or its
equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc.Ed course or equivalent course
recognized by NCTE.
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School
2Business Maths Lecturer4Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Caste/Schedule Tribe
1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from recognized University in
the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or its
equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc.Ed course or equivalent course
recognized by NCTE.
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School
3Accountancy Lecturer4Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Caste/Schedule Tribe
1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from recognized University in
the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or its
equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc.Ed course or equivalent course
recognized by NCTE.
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School
4Economics Lecturer4Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Caste/Schedule Tribe
1. At least 2nd Class Master Degree from recognized University in
the relevant subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or its
equivalent from recognized by NCTE.
Two years integrated M.Sc.Ed course or equivalent course
recognized by NCTE.
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School

Secondary School Teacher, Place of Post – Ugudasury-S-UPS(SSA) & Govt. Mamte M/S 

Sl NoName of PostNo. of
Age limit for direct
Minimum qualification & other qualification
(fixed pay @ Rs. 30,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
1. Graduate from recognized university with B.Ed. or its
equivalent having at least 5 years teaching experience in
Govt./Deficit/Adhoc GIA Secondary School. Provided that
teachers serving RMSA Sec. School Teachers who have rendered
5 (five) years service as RMSA teacher will be given preference.
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language at least Middle School
2Mathematics Teacher
(fixed pay @ Rs. 25,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
Graduate with Mathematics with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
or its equivalent from recognized university. OR
B.E., B. Tech. with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) capable of
teaching Mathematics in secondary School
3Science Teacher
(fixed pay @ Rs. 25,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
1. Science Graduate (Physical Science/ Life Science) with
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or its equivalent from recognized
2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language upto Middle School
4English Teacher
(fixed pay @ Rs. 25,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
1) Graduate with English subject as core/ elective with Bachelor
of Education (B.Ed.) or its equivalent from recognized
2) Working knowledge of Mizo Language upto Middle School
5Mizo Teacher
(fixed pay @ Rs. 25,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
Graduate with Mizo subject as core/ elective with Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) or its equivalent from recognized University.
6General Teacher
(fixed pay @ Rs. 25,000/-)
2Between 18 years
and 35 years, upper
age limit is relaxable
by 5 years for
candidates from
Schedule Caste/
Schedule Tribe
1) Graduate in Arts subject with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or
its equivalent from recognized University.
2) Working knowledge of Mizo Language upto Middle School

Last date : 4th March 2021 


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