Teaching Job

Walk-in-interview for the post of Guest Faculty


Eligible candidates are invited for walk-in-interview for the posts of Guest Faculty in the Department of Education, Mizoram University.
Detaiils are mentioned below :

Date : 24th February 2021 (Wednesday)
Time : 11:00am
Place : Office of the Dean, School Education and Humanities (SEH)

Name of post No of vacancy Essential Qualification
Guest Faculty 2i) A master's degree in education with a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever grading system is followed) from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.

ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR or a similar test accredicted by the UGC, like SLET/ SET or who are or have been awarded a Ph.D degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum standards and procudure for Award of M.Phil/ Ph.D Degree) regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendmentd from time to time as the cause may be, be exempted from NET/ SLET/ SET.

Last date : 24th February 2021 


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