Teaching Job

Advertisement for posts of JRF & Field Assistant (Deptt. of Environmental Science)

Applications are invited for DST-WTI-Nexus project position as per the details given below: 

1. JRF (1): with emoluments/fellowship-31,000/-per month (for 1st and 2nd Year) & 35,000/- per month (for subsequent 3rd Year) with H.R.A. (8%)/as per rule 

2. Project/Field Assistant (2) with emoluments/fellowship-20,000/-per month with H.R.A.
(8%)/as per rule 
In: Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi sponsored Water
Technology Initiative (WTI) Nexus research project (vide no.DST/TMD/EWO/WTI/2K19/EWFH/2019/190 (C) entitled “Monitoring of heavy
metals-arsenic interrelation with physico-chemical attributes of G.B.P. Sagar in U.P./Serlui River in Mizoram, NE India, impounded with industries, hydro- power project/ agriculture land and bio-prospecting of its wetland plants for sustainable phyto-technological/water-food-energy nexus study” 

Eligibility for post of 1 JRF: as per the DST guidelines-qualified the CSIR/UGC/ICAR/others National Eligibility Test (NET) or GATE as essential qualification.
Eligibility for post of 2 Project/Field Assistant: as per the DST guidelines B.Sc./ with two years field research experience/M.Sc.; Desirable- M.Sc. in Environmental/Life Science subjects; Candidates acquiring NET/GATE may be given preference 

Interested candidates may apply by sending an application along with the brief to the e- mail address of PI ([email protected]) within three weeks from the date of advertisement. 

Terms and Conditions: The term of service is purely temporary/co-terminus with project, dependent on the satisfactory progress of research, and may be extended further solely on the basis of performance (maximum extension up-to 3 years).
The selection procedure will be fixed after screening as per the norms of DST, New Delhi/MZU. The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. 


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