Teaching Job

Post of Field Assistant/ Project Assistant

Interview for the Post of Field Assistant/ Project Assistant

Interested candidates may attend the online/offline/blended mode interview (considering the existing limitations and movement restrictions due to COVID-19) to be held on 26.07.2021 at 11.00 am in the department of Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizawl- 796 004 for one post of Field Assistant/ Project Assistant for a period 6 months under Sahasra Crop Science (P) Ltd. sponsored research project “Effectiveness of Gluconate and Lactate Based Formulations on Bird’s Eye Chilli of Eastern Himalayan

Research Position and FellowshipsQualification
Field Assistant/ Project Assistant (1 No.) Fellowship @ Rs 25,000/-per month1st Class Post Graduate in
Horticulture/ Agriculture. Preference will be
given to the candidates with NET qualification
and having working experience of Vegetable

An advanced copy of the signed application with bio-data, contact details and supporting documents must reach to Prof. Tridip Kr Hazarika, Principal Investigator, (Email: [email protected]) on or before 5.00 pm of 25.07.2021.
The candidate may produce all original copies of supporting documents at the time of interview.
The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
No TA/DA will be provided for candidates for appearing for the interview.

Last date : 25th July 2021 


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