Teaching Job

Applications are invited for Guest Faculty

Applications are invited for engagement of Guest Faculty in Mizoram University for various Departments as detailed under PART B: DETAILS OF DEPARTMENT. The engagement shall be strictly on ‘per lecture basis’. Honorarium shall be at the rate of Rs 1,500/- per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs 50,000/- per month. Any subsequent revision in the rate of honorarium shall be applicable only after a decision to this effect is made by the Mizoram University.

The current advertisement is on the basis of the anticipated requirement. Conduct of the interview and/or engagement as Guest Faculty shall be subject to the actual requirement of the University from time to time. Interview, if scheduled is likely to be held at short notice and in
online/offline/blended mode depending upon the prevailing pandemic situation. Applicants should, therefore refer to the website of Mizoram University regularly for any update in this regard.

Last date : 15th August 2021


Application format  

Criterial for Screening 

Official website

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