Medical / Health

Advertisement for Staff Nurse on Contractual Basis

In partial modification of Advertisement No.1 of 2020-21 vide No. A.12033/1/2019-ZMC Dt. 8th January, 2020 in respect of Staff Nurses, applicants are invited from eligible candidates for engagement to the following post on Contractual Basis :

Name of Post & No. of posts

PayMinimum Qualification

Age Limit

Staff Nurse : 50 nos.

Level 7 Contractual Basis1. Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife

2. Working knowledge of Mizo Language of Middle School Standard.

3. Computer Proficiency as prescribed by the Mizoram Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts Service/Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016 notified vide No.A.11013/1/2013-P&AR (GSW) dated 29.09.2016 & 16.12.2016 and vide No. A.12034/1/2015-P&AR(GSW) dated 4.12.2017, 23.02.2018 & 10.01.2019
Between 18 – 35 years on the last date of submission of application. Upper age

Limit relaxable by

5(five) years for

SC/ST candidates.

Application is to be filled up online via link or on the website 

Last date of application is 23rd September 2021 till 4:00 PM

Interview will be held from 27th September 2021 onwards. Applicants must bring their original documents at the time of interview. Further details may be obtained from ZMC website. Candidates will not be contacted individually and are instructed to check the website for further information

Candidates will have to pay an application fee of Rs. 150/- at the time of interview.

Application for Staff Nurse submitted in response to Advertisement No.1 of 2020-21 vide No. A.12033/1/2019-ZMC Dt. 8th January 2020 hereby stands cancelled. Those who wish to avail for a refund may do so at ZMC by providing the original receipt provided at the time of submission of application within two (2) months from the date of issue of this advertisement.

Last date : 23rd September 2021 


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