All India Govt JobsExamwise information

Engineering Services (Preliminary / Stage I) Examination

Recruitment on the results of this examination will be made to the Services/ Posts under the following categories:‐
Category I‐Civil Engineering.
Category II‐Mechanical Engineering.
Category III‐Electrical Engineering.
Category IV‐Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. 

The number of vacancies to be filled on the results of the examination is expected to be approximately 247 including 08 vacancies for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) (06 vacancies for Locomotor Disability including Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims and Muscular Dystrophy & 02 vacancies for Hard of Hearing).

Group‐A Services/Posts
(i) Central Engineering Service
(ii) Central Engineering Service (Roads), Group‐A (Civil Engineering Posts).
(iii) Survey of India Group ‘A’ Service.
(iv) AEE(Civil) in Border Road Engineering Service.
(v) Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
(vi) AEE(QS&C) in MES Surveyor Cadre.
(vii) Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service.
(viii) Indian Skill Development Service 

Group‐A/B Services/Posts
(i) AEE in GSI Engineering Service Gr ‘A’.
(ii) Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
(iii) Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
(iv) Indian Naval Material Management Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
(v) Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service.
(vi) Indian Skill Development Service.
(vii) Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Services/SSO‐II (Mechanical).
(viii) Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service (Mechanical Engg.)
(ix) Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Mechanical Engineering Posts).
(x) AEE (Electrical and Mechanical) in Border Roads Engineering Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts) 

Group‐A/B Services/Posts
(i) Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Electrical Engineering Posts).
(ii) Indian Defence Service of Engineers.
(iii) Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
(iv) Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Electrical Engineering Posts).
(v) Indian Naval Armament Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
(vi) Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electrical).
(vii) Indian Skill Development Service 

Group‐A/B Services/Posts
(i) Indian Radio Regulatory Service Gr ‘A’.
(ii) Indian Telecommunication Service Gr ‘A’.
(iii) Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts).
(iv) Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts)
(v) Junior Telecom Officer Gr ‘B’.
(vi) Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electronics & Tele).
(vii) Central Power Engineering Gr ‘A’ (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Posts).
(viii) Indian Skill Development Service

Age :
A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st January, 2022 i.e., he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1992 and not later than 1st January, 2001. 
The upper age‐limit of 30 years will be relaxable upto 35 years in the case of Government servants of the following categories. 

For admission to the examination, a candidate must have –
(a) obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or
(b) passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or
(c) obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or
(d) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India);
(e) passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or
(f) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after
November, 1959 Provided that a candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts) and Indian Radio
Regulatory Service Group ‘A’ may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely:‐
For Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engg. Posts) ‐ M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless
Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
For Indian Radio Regulatory Service Group ‘A’– M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics,
Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a subject or Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication or
Electronics or Telecommunication as a special subject.

Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST/PwBD who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/‐

Last date : 12th October 2021 


Part-I Registration 
Part-II Registration

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