Teaching Job

MZU – Advertisement for the post of one JRF

One (1) Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi sponsored Research Project titled, “Enhanced production and isolation of resistant starch from rice starch matrix for use as low-calorie food ingredient” at the Department of Food Technology, Mizoram University, Aizawl.

PG degree in Food Science, Food Technology, Food Engineering or equivalent and qualification of any one of the following examinations
ii) NET conducted by CSIR or UGC (including lectureship / Assistant Professorship)
iii) Any other National level examination in the relevant field conducted by Central government Departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, ICAR, ICMR etc.

Duration: 2 years.

Emolument: Rs 31000/- pm plus HRA as found eligible

Last date : 20th March, 2022 


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