State/ Private Job

Sericulture Department hnuaiah hnaruak a awm e

Hna hming Hnaruak zatHlawhbi
Rearer (Provisional Employee) 5 Rs 12,360/-

Age limit :
18 to 37 years.
5 years relaxation for SC/ ST.

Qualification :
i) HSLC.
ii) Diploma in Computer Application/ Certificate in Computer Application for a duration of at least 6 months.

Fee :
Rs 200 for General.
Rs 150 for ST/ SC/ OBC.

Dilna form hi Establishment Section, Directorate of Sericulture, Chaltlang Ruam Veng, Aizawl ah ni 21.08.2023 atanga ni 21.09.2023 chhung hian Office hun chhungin lak theih a ni.
Department website ah download theih a ni bawk e.

Last date : 21st September, 2023 


Application form 


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