Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Vacancy for the post Insurance Agent/ Advisor

Care Health Insurance Company hnuaiah Insurance Agent /Advisor tur lak ani dawn a, 
Full time leh part time in a thawh theih reng e. 
(District capital hrang hrang a awm te tan a dil theih vek e). 

Dil thei chin te: 
1) Class 12 above. 
2) Age : No Age bar. 
3) Both Male & Female. 

Dil theih hun chhung : Nov 3 atanga Nov 30, 2022 thleng dilna a thehluh theih e. 

Hriatchian/Hriatzau duh neih te tan biak theih reng kan ni e. 

Agency Manager
(Call / whatsapp)
Care Health Insurance Limited

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