Hnaruak dil theih

A hnuaia tarlan ang hian Synod Office -a thawk tur Junior Engineer post 1 (Pakhat) a ruak a.
Kum 18 leh 35 inkar, ni 3.11.2017-a kum 35 la pumhlum lo tan dil theih a ni.
Synod Office atangin Application Form lakchhuah tur a ni a.
Application Form-ah hian hriat tur pawimawh tarlan a ni.

Dil theih hun chhung : Dt.25.10.2017 (Nilaini) tlai dar 5:00 thleng.
Screening Test : Dt.27.10.2017 (Zirtawp)
Interview : Dt.3.11.2017 (Zirtawpni) 11:00 am.
A hmun : Synod Committee Room – 1
Thiamna : Three Years Diploma Holder in Civil Engineering.
Hlawh : PB-3 : 11000-27500+4800

Sd/- Rev.Lalramliana Pachau
Secretary Synod Service Board

Source : Vanglaini

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