State/ Private Job

PHE Dept. recruitment of Jr. Grade of Mizoram Engineer Service by Competitive Examination


ADVERTISEMENT No. 35 OF 2017 – 2018

Dated Aizawl, the 18th September, 2017.

Applications are invited for filling up of the undermentioned vacant posts by Competitive Examination .
Last date fixed for submission of application is 20.12.2017 . The prescribed application forms are
available in the office of Mizoram Public Service Commission, New Secretariat Complex, Aizawl and Offices of
Deputy Commissioners Lunglei, Saiha, Champhai, Lawngtlai, Serchhip, Kolasib and Mamit during office hours on
cash payment. Any additional information relating to this advertisement will be uploaded in the official website of

Name of Post                 : Jr. Grade of Mizoram Engineer Service(AE/SDO)
Name of Department    : Public Health Engineering Department
No. of Posts                    : 5 (Five)
(i) Civil Engineering – 2 posts
(ii) Electrical Engineering – 2 posts
(iii) Mechanical Engineering – 1 post

Scale of Pay                    : PB-3 + Rs 15,600 – 39,100 + G.P 5,400/- pm

Conditions of Eligibility :
i) A candidate must be a citizen of India as defined inArticle 5-8 of the Constitution.
ii) Age limit : Acandidate must have attained the age of 21 yrs and must not have attained the age of 35
yrs on the first day of the year in which the Examination is held. The upper age limit is relaxable by 10
yrs for Persons with Disabilities(15 yrs for SC/ST and 13 yrs for OBC).
Note : A candidates should note that the date of birth as recorded in the HSLC/HSSLC examination
certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of application will be accepted by the
Commission and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
iii) Educational Qualifications :
a) Obtained a degree in Engineering or equivalent degree from a University incorporated by an Act of
the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of
Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission
Act, 1956; or
b) Passed Sections A and B of Examinations of the Insitution of Engineers(India); or
c) Obtained a degree in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such
conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or
d) Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Insitute of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineers (India)
e) Knowledge of Mizo Language upto Middle School Standard.
Note : Acandidate who has appeared at an examination the passing of which would render them educationally
qualified for the examination, but has not been informed of the result or have not been declared at the
time of submission of the application, may be eligible for admission to the examination.All such candidates
included in the list prepared by the Commission under regulations 3(iv) shall be required to produce
proof of passing the requisite examination at the time of interview before the selection board/committee
failing which such candidates will not be appointed to the service.
iv) Computer Proficiency :
i) Basic Knowledge of ComputerApplication equivalent to Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of
National Institute of Electronics and InformationTechnology (NIELIT)or Diploma in Computer Application/
Certificate in Computer Application from institutions recognised by Mizoram State Council of Technical
Education or such other courses of the level as determined by the Government from time to time.
ii) Course on Computer Concepts Plus (CCC+)or Expert Computer Course (ECC) under NIELIT,or
iii)‘O’Level. ‘A’Level. ‘B’Level Courses under NIELIT or
iv) Diploma in Computer Science/ComputerApplication/InformationTechnology/Electronics from Polytechnic
InstitutionsorInstitutions recognized under Govt.of MizoramorGovt.of India,or
v)Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ComputerApplication/InformationTechnology/Electronics from
recognized UniversityorInstitutions recognized under Govt. of Mizoram or Govt. of India, or
vi)Post Graduate Diploma or Master’s degree in Computer Science/Computer Application/ Information
Technology/ Electronics from recognized University or Institutions recognized under Govt. of Mizoram or
Govt. of India.

Application fee of Rs. 300 + 20 =Rs. 320 (or Rs. 250+20 = Rs.270 for SC/ST applicants) should be paid
by cash at the Reception Counter of Mizoram Public Service Commission Office or by depositing into theTreasury
under the Head- 0051-PSC, 105-State PSC (Examination Fee. etc),01-Mizoram Public Service Commission or
by uncrossed Indian Postal Order ( IPO) drawn in favour of Secretary, Mizoram Public Service Commission.
However, Persons with Disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee on production of
disability certificate.

Applicant must submit certified copies of all Certificates and Marksheets of academic record from
H.S.L.C. and above and Caste/Disability Certificate (for SC/ST/OBC/Disable applicant only if claimed).

Those who are in the Government service must apply through proper channel.

Detailed syllabus for Examination can be downloaded fromthe official website of MPSC

Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidate. Incomplete application will be
summarily rejected.



Mizoram Public Service Commission

Memo No.24/B/2011-MPSC                                        :                           Dated Aizawl, the 18th September, 2017.

Last date :


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